Christian Gomez Deca-pitates Mom’s Head

Christian Gomez was a happy child but things changed when he turned 18 years old. He began to isolate himself from friends, spent hours outside the house talking to God and stars, refused to shower under the belief that his mom watched him shower, became angry and could not hold a job. Mental Health Decline … Read more

Rebecca Zeni, 93, Di-ed at Nursing Home Due to Untreated Scabies Infection

In May 2018, a forensic pathologist revealed a Georgia nursing home patient d*ied from an untreated scabies infection. He found millions of parasitic mites destroying the woman’s skin and essentially, eating her alive. He listed her cause of death as “septicemia due to crusted scabies.” The woman, 93-year-old Rebecca Zeni di*ed from the infection in … Read more

Skin of Her Teeth: The M-urder of Tina Mott

Tim Bradford used 19 knives and a meat cleaver to mur*der and dismember his girlfriend, Tina Mott. He removed all of her teeth from the skull and flushed her organs down the toilet, both acts committed to throw off investigators in identifying her body. Two teens fishing in a lake discovered the skull, flesh tissue … Read more

Missing 2-year-old Dane Paulsen found de-ad in Oregon

A massive search for an Oregon toddler who was reported missing on March 1 concluded Tuesday when he was found de*ad in a river near his family’s home, according to the Lincoln County Sheriff’s Department. Authorities said that they had been concentrating their search for 2-year-old Dane Paulsen along the Siletz River, saying the evidence … Read more

The Mu-rder of Gabriel Kuhn

Gabriel cheated and I will make him pay for all his actions; as he said that there is Heaven and Hell, there in Hell is he; I will find him there and take revenge again. -Alleged last communication of Daniel Petry What began as a fun way to escape the realities of life and meet … Read more

The Mysterious De-ath of Tanner Ward

On the evening of June 7, 2017, 19-year-old Tanner Ward, a devoted father, left his family home after kissing his daughter goodbye, promising to return in just 30 minutes. His mother, preparing dinner, asked if he would be back for the meal he requested, to which he assured her, “I’m only gonna be gone 30 … Read more

The Disappearance of the Skelton Brothers

When Tanya Zuvers dropped her three sons off for their Thanksgiving visitation with their father, John Skelton, in 2010, she had no idea that she would never see them again. The disappearance of Andrew, Alexander, and Tanner Skelton broke the hearts of an entire Michigan community, and more than a decade after they went missing … Read more

Indiana boy, 10, de-ad after 340-pound foster mom sits on him for ‘acting bad’

A 10-year-old Indiana boy was crushed to d*eath after his foster mother, who weighed 340 pounds, allegedly sat on him for several minutes because he was “acting bad.” Jennifer Lee Wilson, 48, was sentenced in January to six years in prison, with one year suspended to be served on probation. She was charged with reckless homicide in the de*ath … Read more